Saturday, October 29, 2011

New Costume

Sheep doesn't work. So I'm changing it! You'll have to wait and see on Monday to find out what I'm going to be! =D


SCHOLARSHIP!!! and TFA Application (expedited)! And school.

"Money, money, money, must be funny, it's a rich man's world!" ~ ABBA

So I found out that I will be receiving a scholarship! My case was presented to the board of scholarships last Friday, and they decided that I perfect for it! Woot!  The scholarship covers $500 bucks per term, which along with the other amount of aid I have, leaves me to pay $8 dollars. Okay!
I also received an email from TFA asking me to reapply through the expedited process since I was on the waitslist last year! Now mind you, I had just submitted a normal application two days prior! Well, the expedited process is a lot better, (it's kinda like priority, although not) so I am going to do that instead. I'll find out January 2nd if I am accepted, and hopefully on January 17th where I will be placed! I really want to do this so badly!!! Especially if it is in special education! *I'll be biting my nails until then*
Oh, and I finished that stupid, stupid, stupid math applications course that I finished 3 weeks ago, (It took me a whopping 1 day to do) but forgot to label the quadrants on one graph, so it got kicked back over and over and over. Good bye and good riddance! Onto the next class! In 2 months, I've completed 19 (soon to be 20) units! Go me, go me! Yeah, it's been hard!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Shoes: Workout!

I finally went to Payless last night to get a pair of tennis shoes. My old ones hurt because my feet supinate too much. That means my feet roll outwards and I step more on the outside/pinkytoe part of my foot than the normal part of my foot. The shoes suck, because I got them during that recent "fitness shoe" craze where the shoes had rounded bottoms for "slight instability, that will strengthen your muscles and make your ass look great!" yeah, right. I didn't buy that then, and I certainly don't buy it now.  Any way because of the slight instability, the shoes already rolled when I first got them, combine that with my supination, and seriously there is an 1.5 inch height discrepancy between the inside side of my shoes and the outside side. I'm basically walking on the sides of my feet.  Boo.

Anyway.... I got new shoes, and they are very light! I was finally able to get in a workout this morning and I feel great! Yippee! =D

And runnin runnin, and runnin runnin...
Women's Transport Performance Runner

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Molly Doggy

Today was a slow "good news" day. Really about the only thing notable was being able to brag about my dog this afternoon and how wonderful she is! I love Miss Molly!
 I guess finally being enrolled in my special education course is good too.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Oy, so things aren't quite going the way I envisioned them, like normal lol. Anyway here is the good in all of this: I had a wonderful Saturday with my ladies in Apple Hill! We did all sort of stuff, I got delicious fudge and I picked my very own apples! And boy were they GOOD! I have never tasted such a fresh, yummy apple! I swear, it had a honey aftertaste! In other news, financial (lack of) aid has turned my life upside down again. I do not even have enough money to pay tuition. We applied for a PLUS Direct Loan, which was denied, so hopefully they will give me a little more to at least cover tuition. Oh and I qualify for a scholarship worth $500. Let's hope the selection committee likes me! Because of this mess, I have applied to Teach For America (again). As you may know, I was admitted last year, but was placed on the waiting list for placement. With the erosion of teacher positions, I was unable to do TFA. (But that might be a good thing, considering my health issue that happened). So, no I've applied at an earlier deadline and I hope to be admitted and teaching special education next year. If not, I'll start looking for teaching jobs. If I get one, I will shift to a Masters in Special Education at WGU. If I don't get one, I will continue with my bachelors in Special Education at WGU.
Oh, and on a side note, I finally decided what I want to be for Halloween. I'm going to be a Counting sheep! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! =D
Oh, and I asked my Principal if she would be one of my references... she said yes!

Monday, October 10, 2011

School, Musical, and More School!

Let's see over the past week I've received our musical music for choir!!! Woot! And the kids have learned 1.5 songs (I'd say two, but honestly that ending needs work!) I've submitted and passed three tasks in my two assessment courses, and hopefully, I will finish those today and be DONE!!! Also, I only have to take the objective assessment (final exam) for my science course and then I'm golden! I should be fine, I passes the pre-assessment with flying colors! =D Well, I best get back to work then! Adios! Oh, and I received my school id card, and I passed my PCE 1 Application which means, I get to apply for PCE 2 and start in-classroom stuff! Yippee!