Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 13: June 26th

OMG I'm actually posting on the correct day! So the high note for today was watching the pride parade! Happy Pride everyone! It's a short post today. I'm exhausted and in pain.

Day 12: June 25th Yummy party!

Today after getting out of the ER, I went to my friends' house for their lunch party! It was delicious!!!! We had chilled cantaloupe soup, cranberry walnut and feta salad, grilled chicken and cheese lasagna, and watermelon! YUM! We also played the "Game of Life." It really was fun! Although they did kick me out so that I would go home and sleep, since I hadn't slept at all the night before (stupid ER).

Thank you ladies! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!

Day 11: June 24th ER Antics

So I have spent the whole day spent in the Doctors/ER at Sacramento General Hospital. And I mean all day. My doc had called me at 12 and rushed me to Urgent Care at 1. The docs looked me over and sent me to the ER because they couldn't do anything more for me. So off to the ER I went. Mom drove and we got there at 4:30pm. I waited in the waiting room till 1:30am. Then I had an exam and more tests and the lab screwed up one of them. Finally by 10:30am we got the final test result and I was discharged.  I was so happy to get out of there!

Even in the midst of pain and exhaustion, there were a few highlights. My favorite was when the cute seven year old waiting in the ER for his baby sister to get treated, went to the restroom. The restrooms are located in the waiting room. Now in them, there is a cord that if you pull, a nurse will come help you. It's meant as an emergency type thing. Well, being a seven year old boy, tired and wound up at the same time. He went to the bathroom. Well, next thing I know, the security guard is telling the boy's father that the light outside the bathroom is flashing. The kid had pulled the cord out of curiosity and had no idea the entire waiting room could see the light flashing. Precious! Anyway, the dad went in and canceled the light and the boy came out with one of those "Am I in trouble for this?" look. So cute!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 10: June 23, 2011 Vicodin is good!

By now I hope that you've all realized that I tend to post after that specific day. I want to include my whole day before serving up the high point. So sometimes, posts may be in present tense, sometimes in past tense. Sorry, it's just how I remember them as I type. 

Anyways, yesterday was a PAINFUL day! I could barely move I was in so much pain. I could feel every joint in my body and they were all screaming at me. I was crying it hurt so bad. By they late evening, I had been on the couch, under covers and writhing all day. My friends came over and we had taco night! Apparently it was pretty awesome, although I was in so much pain that I can't remember much. Eventually, I took some of my Vicodin. I can see why people become addicted to it. Not only did it take away my pain, it made me feel happy! I was able to drift off to sleep without problems from aching joints and I had one of the most peaceful night's sleep of my life. So highlight of my day was definitely the Vicodin!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 9: June 22, 2011 Trying to Stay Positive

A lot of bad things have happened recently: hospital, almost dying in said hospital, both Brutus Rattie dying from a stroke and Smudgie Rattie from cancer, getting really sick and being in a ton of pain which has resulted in tests for Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis, a test to see if my thyroid is out of whack because I can't control my body temp, throwing up a lot, etc. Overall, it's been hard to stay positive over the last few weeks. Yesterday was really hard but there was some positives. I got to hang out and go swimming with my friends! I love hanging out with all of them, they help keep my head off the bad stuff and make me feel loved and supported, like a good bra! Shout out to my bra friends!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 8: June 21, 2011 Work, Crafts, and Kittens. Oh My!

Today was much like yesterday. I was able to work for 8.5 hours! I subbed in Wood Working, and cleaned/organized the office. The office was a serious mess. We had over a hundred feet of sheet cork, some of which was lying on the ground, some of which was in a box standing up. Either way it was completely taking over the office and was blocking it so badly that I couldn't even turn the office chair around or open the cabinets. Yeah. So I chopped the cork into large squares, found homes for all the supplies, labeled everything etc. Also, I got to play lead counselor one last time! The 1-3 grades in extended care came to the craft center today. But there was nothing planned for them to do. Luckily, in my many years of experience I was able to pull two crafts out of thin air. First I had them do oil pastel drawings, the second they made cork boards from the cork I had just cut up. When they left I watched as they paraded by and their cork boards were extraordinarily cute! By the end of the day I was sick-exhausted and I wasn't able to go to see X-men with my friends as planned. But after some food, water, and a nap I was feeling a lot better and I was able to hang out with my friend Erika. She was just accepted into the same teacher preparation program as I am in, so we will have classes together and graduate together! She also is fostering very adorable young kittens  who are soooooo playful. It is so cute when they wrestle and stuff! Meow!

Day 7: June 20, 2011 Sawdust and Campers

Today I was able to work as a substitute in the Wood Working Camp. I've never done Wood Working but it was a lot of fun. We have great kids and their projects are looking great! After the morning camp I helped out in the lodge, cleaning, organizing, and inventory-ing. Yeah Money!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 6: June 19, 2011 Miss USA!

Dear the-rest-of-the-country,

WE WON!!! CALIFORNIA WON!!!! Four years we've been in the top five, and have been the runner up for what seems like forever! It was so awesome to see Miss California actually win! I loved her hair color (that's the color I wish I had) and I liked her dress (except for the sculptural element in the skirt). Props go to Miss Tennessee, she was excellent competition and the contestant I thought would win--besides Cali of course. I watched the pageant with my friends and we constantly commented and judged the contestants ourselves. Btw Trump... those swimsuits you choose were pretty awful.  


Day 5: 6/18/2011 Being Productive

Well it's been a while since I posted! Gasp! I've been exhausted! Which is quite ironic considering the title of this post, "Being Productive." Yet I swear I was... I vacuumed, cleared the table, put away the dishes, cleaned up a portion of my room, did the counters, organized all my medicines, took out the recycling and the trash, and picked up the common areas. All this was absolutely exhausting, as I am still healing and regaining my strength from my 5 week hospital stay. It felt really awesome to get everything done, have a nice healthy lunch and then chill for a while. It was a good day!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 4: Passing the Tests!

Today I took and passed three of my admissions tests! I still need to take and pass the fourth one. That should be easy as it is a small essay, and I was an English Major. Yeah, I got it covered. I passed the math, reading comprehension, and complete readiness assessment. Woot woot! And I went swimming with my friends in a freezing pool! It was really fun but cold! When I dove in my splash got our "I just want to read a book" friend wet. Let's see we did the hokey pokey, Marco-Polo, and ride alongs. After swimming, we had delicious strawberry shortcake! My friends made the cake part. Fresh sweet biscuits.... mmmmmm! We had fresh local  strawberries and together they were heaven! YUMMMMMM!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 3: Water for Elephants!

Today was pretty awesome. I finally got all my transcripts off to my new university and I saw Water for Elephants with my friends. The film was amazing! Wonderfully done and acted, I was almost able to forgive Robert Pattinson for his horrible Twilight acting. It was beautiful, and an emotional roller coaster. You have to see this movie! Afterwards we had yummy Jack in the Box and played Apples to Apples. At the end of the game we see which adjectives we have and apply them to ourselves. Apparently I am: masculine, naive, nasty, and five other "charming" adjectives that I don't remember at this point.

Day 2: It's hard to be positive...

When a pet needs to be put down, it's really difficult to be positive. But I am going to try. Monday night was a private party for the food service workers and their +1s at school. It was held in the games area and everything was free. We stuffed ourselves on pizza, bowled 2 different but simultaneous games of bowling (both of which I won, because my friends bowled for me! lol), arcade games and billiards. It really was fun and relaxing! We didn't play competitively, everyone took turns playing for each other and just having a fun time. I even saw a snowy white owl!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mmmmmmm! Yummy!

So to start off the blog, my first high note is dedicated to my brother who graduated from high school this year! We had a graduation party for him and his friend. I enjoyed the party and the food was nom nom nom-a-licious! Also, my mom made strawberries and blueberries for dessert. Well, obviously, she didn't make them.... but she put them together and it was delicious! I ended up having them on blackberry/pomegranate yogurt. Mmmmmmm! Yummy!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Theme Song... "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" from Monty Python's The Life of Brian!


The Experiment...

Hello All!

Welcome to End On A High Note! 

This blog is dedicated to finding the good in every day. For the next year, I will post daily, (cross fingers), about one thing that made that day great. This experiment helps me look on the positive side, even though life is the equivalent of 20 grit sandpaper--ROUGH! I hope you find this blog as inspiring as I do, and that maybe, just maybe, it will help you end each day on a high note! 

~ Ta ta for now!