Wednesday, August 3, 2011

July updates!

Well, well,'s been a while since I've last posted. I've been in a serious depression funk and that's impeded my posting. Since I've been in tremendous pain for months, I think depression is understandable. Here are some of the highlights from the last month: *Dressing up as Marie from the Aristocats for "Disney Day" at camp. *Having an old-fashioned slumber party with my friends. We did makeovers and painted our nails. And then we went to the Drive-In Movie Theater. We got there at the same time as everyone else did and it took 40 mins  to actually get into the movie area. But since they broadcast over the radio, we listened to our movie, Cowboys and Aliens, and acted it out as we listened. Lol! The movie was good, but had a lot of plot and less action than we were expecting. The double feature also had the Green Lantern playing...we all fell asleep. Not exactly the best movie ever... *Steak-yummy at my Mom's house, yummy at my house. * Finally getting in to see the Rhuematologist. I had 15 x-rays, 15 vials of blood drawn, and 28 tests done. *Seeing my family at a double birthday party and finally getting back at the a**hole that thinks he's better than everyone, and that my generation and I suck. * The next day seeing my cousin on the news for helping save a fawn that had been entrapped in their pool. * Talking to Julia, and her being my Angel! THANK YOU!!!! * Visiting my bro at Rock n Water, and witnessing the most awesome sandal tan ever! Oh and finding Gold in the river. *For Harry Potter day at work- I dressed up kinda, and turned my walker into a Nimbus 2011 seated edition. I put a broom and the label onto the back of my walker. *Having a BBQ and going swimming with friends. *Found/finished my stained glass! Over a year of work on that thing and I love it! *Having the best campers in the world: they may drive me crazy, but they are a lot of fun! *Instead of doing the normal July 4th things (I was in too much pain to do anything or go anywhere) Mom and I watched the fireworks spectaculars on tv and saw over 40,000 of them go off over the Potomac. * Relaxing and watching Brad Paisley music videos. *Going swimming at my Aunt Sharon's house and getting to see and play with her puppies. 

Whew that was a lot of highlights. 


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